Welcome to Online Church! We're so glad you decided to tune in this morning. We are starting off a short series on Vision. The vision God has for the community He has us in is immense and is bound to face pressures moving forward...BUT GOD...has given us this vision. When God puts us into something, He is bound to see us through! Today we'll be looking at the necessity for vision and then in the next couple weeks we'll be looking at the different parts of our vision. But first, before checking out the message, join us for a time of worship with the links below. Worship:
- https://youtu.be/1s4UblPViiI (Glorious Day)
- https://youtu.be/du0il6d-DAk (Blessed Be Your Name)
- https://youtu.be/3zARVp3420I (Holy Spirit)
- https://youtu.be/-jkMnq2Hfzo (King Of My Heart)
- https://youtu.be/wDgmJFw6F64 (How Great Is Our God)
- Vision: Facing Pressure
- Pastor Jesse - 780-835-8806 (Text or Call)
- Facebook - @westsidecommunitychurchfairviewab
- Drop-in Office Hours - Wednesday-Friday 9-12
- info@wscchurch.com (Email)